National Liberty Alliance is an excellent source for those patriots that are interested in learning more about their God Given rights, how our laws have been hi-jacked by those with evil intent toward our knowledge and what can we do to regain and protect those rights as people are waking up in 2023. The Committee of Correspondence and the Committee of Safety were vital parts of the original forefathers’ process to gain freedom for the new republic.
Our forefathers understood the importance of protecting the rights that God intended for each of us to enjoy. They also knew that unless the people understood their rights, these rights would be easily taken away by lack of knowledge and by those with evil, usually greedy intentions.
Gila County – Committee of Safety
does refer to National Liberty Alliance for information.
!!! We The People, in the united states were created as a
Shared From Class Taken at
Republic Versus Democracy
Education Is A Key Factor For Freedom
Our education in America has changed. There is no more education regarding our rights and responsibilities. The education system has been usurped and the unfortunate thing is that generations today are without an understanding of their rights and where they came from.
One of National Liberty Alliances’ main purposes is to educate us about rights. Knowing our rights will help us understand how our local justice systems no longer operate with laws, but statutes, rules and executive orders. These are man-made legalities, not coming from the creator that made us. How many people today understand that unalienable rights are God-given rights and cannot be taken away, sold, or given away? This is an important factor in keeping our rights alive.
What is a birth certificate and why do we have one? What does it mean when you are asked if you understand in a courtroom? Words can be used silently to control. Without knowledge, our rights can be removed by those we trust, without question.
National Liberty Alliance wants to help that situation change in our world today.
Visit the Gila County Committee of Safety’s Meeting and learn more about your freedoms and the rights that God gave to his creations. We do have rights, we do have responsibilities, and it is up to us to discover what these rights are and how we return these rights to “We The People”. It is vital for us to understand our rights so that we can protect them.
We look forward to seeing you at our next meeting of the Gila County – Committee of Safety.
Thank you for reading and thank you for sharing.
Thanks to Wikipedia for the Declaration of Independence (1819) by John Trumbull
Founding Fathers of the United States. (2023, March 28). In Wikipedia.