gila county COS, Arizona, Gila County

Gila County Committee of Safety is a group of concerned individuals that believe in the original Constitution, as it was written, long ago by our forefathers. We believe those men that signed the original Constitution on our behalf, took time to understand the God-given rights that all living men and women possess and created the original Constitution for the United States to protect each person living should be treated within these territories with the respect of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness because of the God that created us all.

first great awakening, Jesus, God-given rights

Gila County Committee of Safety Is A Community Effort To Work Together To Keep The People Safe, and Free From Harmful Activities That Undermine The God-Given Rights Of All Of God’s Children Living In The County of Gila County and the Beautiful State of Arizona, as well as the United States for America.

Education and knowledge is critical to these rights and that is one of the main goals of Gila County Committee of Safety.

first great awakening, Jesus, constitution

The Signatures on the original Constitution were signed through great hardship to these men and their families and we appreciate the fact that these individuals showed such courage and strength to stand up for all of us.

We respect the rights and freedoms that these men and woman understood the importance of the time in which they lived and wanted to preserve these freedoms for generations to come. That is why we invite the Gila County community to meet together and discuss the best approach for the preservation of our God-given rights and to work together to ensure we can live with the freedoms God gave us.

We Look Forward To Getting To Know Our Arizona Neighbors and Working With Them To Help Each Other and Protect Our Freedoms That God Gave Us.

constitution, gila county, committee of safety.