A New Year with A New Beginning –
Let me tell you a story of a sound government. This government was created by God with unalienable rights for the people that were dependent upon Him and they thanked Him for His divine law. As men that were forming a new government, first they were flawed, but they also stood to be virtuous and morally responsible, they then met and debated to understand those that governed over them with the frailties of rulers, with this in mind they set out to create a Republic form of government of the people, by and for the people with a Bill of Rights for the people and a constitution to place chains on those that would govern them.
Having a lack of trust in government’s powers, they split power between three separate parts that one or another could bring balance to their government. They called these branches; Executive, Legislative and Judicial and with a congress of two separate areas of legislation and duties working together, the house of representatives was given the power to legislate, the governments purse, and the power to accuse. The senate was given the power to legislate, the power to impeach, approve treaties with other nations and to be the oversite of a federal budget, their duty also approved presidential appointees. As long as each branch of the government performed their appointed duties the people rejoiced. Then came clever and designing men to pervert and subvert through power and parties what had been given by the people for the unity of the nation. The power to govern is a sacred honor to serve, that we the people will be the light to other nations not just one of the nations on this earth.
The past we cannot change, the future is not yet a reality, there is only now to plan, to be or do for our hopes and dreams of what can be. Let us not perish from a lack of knowledge. There is power in the word that gives us understanding. Words make all the difference in the way we see ourselves and those that govern us. We enjoy thinking of ourselves as a conservative, moderate or liberal, promoting a populace, progressive or a socialist point of view. We have people that we elected as one of us and also those that were not elected that we have freely given and consented to be our policy enforcers.
The United States of America, is we the people to make a more perfect union. Are we not also guilty of our government and its abuses of power? Are we not our government? Do we have to say yes, yes, yes in trusting those in power to do the right thing, America right or wrong. Let us stand and say No, this is not the way we wish to go. These policies that are in place by our servants need to be implemented by increasing or the reducing of them. Maybe these statues, ordinances and codes just need to be eliminated.
Let our voices be heard. We can choose to be a slave of the state in voluntary servitude. Our possibilities are endless in good government, Freedom and liberty or servitude are ours. We have been given the choice of who is in charge. Our Bill of Rights was created for us in 1787 because George Mason said No to the signing of the constitution without them and knew that one day our government would have enough power to trample our rights.
“I firmly believe that any man’s finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle victorious.”
- Vince Lombardi
Get Involved
Bruce Miller
Community of Safety
gilacountycommitteeofsafey.org, gilacos.org
We meet on the 1st and third Sundays of each month at 1500
At the Overcomers Fellowship
1000 N. Easy Street
Payson Arizona
Discussions In Direction
Sometimes we can disagree on issues. There are two things we can all agree on and
they are; voting is important and civility, despite our differences is an important
part of our community. When we vote, we collectively support the ideas, issues,
and candidates that we believe in and that it will be a welcome change for the
entire community. Let us study the candidates and issues when choosing who we
vote for and what issues will ultimately ensure a responsible, transparent
government. Let us exercise our right, and the power of the vote to bring direction
and hopefully this gives our direction to those that will govern us so that they will
have our interests that produce these welcome changes.
Our vote does not only…….
just support a candidate or a particular proposition or referendum, voting is our
obligation as a citizen. Voting brings collective support to the candidates and ideas
that can work for our entire community, county, state, and nation. Let us study and
choose well.
We have seen our leaders that have allowed power brokers, corporate, and those
that have the ear of our elected and unelected department heads through lobbies to
design the bills and policies that influence our elected. Then when becoming laws,
Statues, codes ordnances and acts that we must obey, challenging and telling us
that it is a privilege to pay for them with the costs associated in the administrating
of these policies. We need efficiently run programs, not waste put on us by clever
and designing men that will not listen to us.
Why do our elected continual to listen…….
to the powerful, elite, strong or wealthy when making decisions for the rest of us
that must pay for the excess? Do they really know more than us? Do they really
have our interest at heart or their profit margins in mind that must be maintained?
We the people have to live within our means. We have to budget our costs that our
families and our communities will not suffer. We just pay, and pay for more and
more by those that govern with higher taxation without the caring of our priorities.
Departmental heads told the expenses they are given must be spent, and they must
not conserve by better direction and cost savings, but must spend what is been
given or their efficiency will be eliminated in next year’s budget. Where is the
accountability, or why do we get a hard to read audit or one that will need to be
reworked for correcting the budget when it comes to the expenses? When does the
goose act like the gander, and have budgets that are not burdensome and never enough. This is frustrating to listen to and look at, as they say do as I say and not asI do.
We have been sleeping during our duty as a citizen and this perversion of power is
continuing. We deserve better, we can put restraints on our government. We need
only to get involved as a grownup in leading our elected to have the government
we want and that they will serve all of us. We no longer can be absent in the
discussions for the decisions that need to be made in the direction we wish to go.
Let us make a decision to be an active citizen of our government for better lives
and for those that will come after us. Be an American for Americans.
“The American Dream is that dream of a land in which life should be better and
richer and fuller for everyone” — James Truslow Adams.
Get Involved
Bruce Miller
Community of Safety
gilacountycommitteeofsafey.org, gilacos.org
We meet on the 1st and third Sundays of each month at 1500
At the Overcomers Fellowship
1000 N. Easy Street
Payson Arizona
Notes & Discussions From Our Last Meeting. 11/17/2024
***Steve Otto – Our Newly Elected Mayor will be attending the next meeting, 12/1/2024 at Overcomers’ Fellowship, 1000 Easy Street, 3:00 pm.
It was requested that all members bring in their questions to ask the new mayor on that date. It was suggested 3-5 questions that each member feels important to them relating to the town of Payson.
COS Notes:
Meeting 11/17/2024
Prand —–Violates due process of law —–hard part?
Website: republicfortheunitedstatesofamerica.org
Northwest Ordinance – how territories become states
Vacated during the civil law to martial law
Policies for people, X by Musk, topic dialog
President elect Trump, administration, multiple stages
The color of law – we need to understand
Health safety and the greater good of the citizens
How to fix greater? society – community college
Next door app – What does the town want
Did Jack Smith leaving, gets the golden parachute, money, reported that he did.
Information that new council and mayor will and will not have will be eliminated
Current city council has set trap doors for the mayor elect Steve Otto
Does he know what he can or cannot do.
NDA (non-disclosure agreement) coming, when signed what will he not be able to
We need to develop idea of three questions?
We can ask our local neighbors what they want from their town for safety policies
The need for transparency, fact checking, false safety statements
We can contact people to promote safety in Payson
Ask, what would you like to get done in Payson?
What was done with the tax money collected?
What are your concerns about safety in our community?
Transparency, what is going on in town? Ask our community about, safety,
economy, policies?
Website: policies for the people
Do you feel safe in the town of Payson? Why or why not, PR ploy
If our town was attracted by some force, what would you do, who would you call?
What about emergency supplies; water, food, first-aid, shelter, communications,
What would you do if wild fire was coming close to your home?
What ideas do you have that would help our neighbors in the Payson area?
Do you know what crisis management is?
The town of Payson, our county and state already have a plans and programs?
Do you know their plans or programs? Are you for it? Do you have a plan?
What do you know about FEMA?
For our next meeting we need to come up with at least 3 question ourselves, to
share, we will
Promote Safety to our community.
Bruce Miller: Chairman, Committee of Safety-Gila County
The Boss is Back
WE THE PEOPLE are saying enough is enough because someone has to be the grown-up. We sent our representatives to Washington, Our State, County, and cities, but they decided to play games instead of having common sense with common ground to do what is right and just for all of us. We know that we get a stronger voice when we unite with one another. Individually we are not that strong to ensure that those we send to govern over us will actually do what we want for the common good of we the people. We are the boss and they are our servants, lately those we sent believe that they are the boss, over us and we should serve them.
We want to lead quiet and peaceful lives. To enjoy our families and friends, to be productive and enjoy the fruits of our labor. What each of us does in life benefits others and what they do benefits us that we have the products and services from our actions. All of us working together is to enrich all our lives. Life is about give and take, family and friends, community, country, and about our God that gives order to our lives. This inspiration we have happens because of the sharing of our gifts and talents with one another.
Those that came before us had to break their chains to give us our republic. A democracy give power to the strongest, a republic under the rule of law protects the vulnerable in society. The constitution was written to place chains on those that govern us. The choice is ours to keep our republic. Our founding fathers wrote that without God and a republic for the United States of America to protect the people by a bill of rights would become vile and the worst from of government. A democracy of those that have the power by strength and wealth and those that do not.
Now that we are starting to wake up, we need to get involved to ensure that our elected servants perform their duties. That they have transparency in government, standing in the light, not signed (NDA’s) non-disclosure agreements in the secret dark committees we know nothing about. We need to keep watching and being active in our form of government so those that are in office are not over stepping their authority given by us.
Let them know of our concerns! What do government employee unions have to do in necessary services anyway, to hold hostage? When will they rein in spending, reduce redundancy. reduce the number of departments and employees, contractors, buildings and materials. Let us start by having any laws by legislation be stipulated by constitutional law. Not by permit with rules and regulations by the unelected and the 50% + of our population that are told to enforce these statues, rules, codes, and ordinances. Why is it that the only things that they have truly wanted to eliminate in our country has been our liberty, our constitution, our bill of rights, and God? Could it be for the power to enslave, rule and regulate us? Let us continual to break those chains they have placed on us. Vote, get involved, decisions matter, we can make a difference for our republic, we can live lives worthy of this republic that was given to us by God, knowing this is our watch, that we and for those that come after us can know what is good and decent in having this form of government.
Get Involved!!
ChairmanBruce Miller
Community of Safety
We meet on the 1st and third Sundays of each month at 1500
At the Overcomers Fellowship
1000 N. Easy Street
Payson Arizona
Its All About Control
All About Control
There is a price to be paid. Our government and the opposing parties are the cause
of chaos and confusion with political rhetoric. The whole object is to stir our
emotions in a direction for our vote of approval. The actual cost of that direction is
rarely discussed. Sometimes dire things can happen when our political machinery
breaks down. Will they be oblivious to how other Americans live, really speak for
us or go alone to get along with their party? There is unfinished business to be
discussed and voted on.
Our Constitution and our Bill of Rights allow us to live our lives independent of
our government. Currently our government is telling us that we are totally
dependent on the system for our survival. Food, water, energy, money, healthcare
and the freedom of travel. Through executive order, legislation, and faceless
intelligential elites’ regulations, our government bureaucrats are selling us
privileges. They believe they have the right to regulate, restrict, ban or tax and that
we will pay for the privilege by registration, with fees if allowed by them. The
Declaration of Independence Says, We the people, or did that document really mean
to say, “we by some of the people for the people”? Question, who are the servants?
Speaking of public servants, lately there are those that are being elected or looking
to be re-elected that are far left or far right viding for control. They believe they
know what is best for all of us. The differences in their bends toward populist or
progressive thoughts blend with each individual. This division, divisive
competition between parties that continually spend like drunken sailors on liberty,
needs to be brought to end, so that the rest of us need not suffer from their poor
decisions of direction. The exercising of power by faction and the privileges sold
limits freedom, for where one American goes, we all go as chattel to be sold on the
open market.
Learn The Truth About Our History and Our Current Choices
Let us study and learn of our history. Study about our current leaders, by what our
founding fathers were inspired to write and create. Why the Constitution was
written, what our Bill of Rights mean to each of us, the cost for standing for a
Republic Government, and let us not forget those that have come to America to
become An American. It will be about Freedom and Liberty to do, be, and to
worship God, the creator of all that is, was and will be.
Have we forgot about God that inspired those that came before us. Our nation is
suffering? Maybe we should get down on our knees and Pray that God will heal
our nation. We have not come this far as a nation that God has abandoned us.
He has given us choice, choose this day whom we will worship and the direction we
should go. We have not because we ask not, pray that we return to him for healing
and direction. For only when we know Him, can we intercede for our nation that
the best can come for each of us and our nation.
“Order without liberty and liberty without order are equally destructive”- Theodore Roosevelt.
Bruce Miller
Community of Safety
G ilacountycommitteeofsafey.org
We meet on the 1st and third Sundays of each month at 1500
At the Overcomers Fellowship
1000 N. Easy Street
Payson Arizona
Join Gila County Committee of Safety
Help Wanted
We need to collaborate in rational thought as individuals. Our republic was not
created to be corporate, competitive that must grow or die. The dangers of control
by the parties in power since the reconstruction of our constitution after the civil
war has left us with a government that looks like the real deal, but has left us now
with only taxation without representation. We are supposed to be the boss and they
are our servants. The current party bosses dictate who is eligible as a candidate or
what bill can go to the floor. Who wields the true power of government? Only
those that are combative well-funded and growing in power to grow the
corporation of the United States of America.
Congress – Authority or Controlled?
Congress has ablactated their authority of checks and balances, refuses to have a
budget for our country and now leaves the direction of America to the executive
branch. What the CEO (President) believes will grow the corporation in the
direction the party boss approves will continue. The career politician needs to vote
as they are told if they want another term. The corruption of clever and designing
men in power continues as the will of the people is neglected. With the
mismanagement in our government now causing division and confusion. We need
to stop this distortion of our unalienable rights that only God has given us. Our
government with their product privileges are being sold to citizens of the
corporation. Our founding fathers were oppressed by those that controlled them.
They wanted a government by and for honest people so they founded the United
States as a republic with the rule of law, not a mob democracy. Under God as the
supreme authority that we can do right in our relationship with Him and one
another. Hindsight is 20/20 as we can see the direction that our country’s path is
continuing to follow.
There is only the harm of another individual or their property damaged that is
criminal in law so why do we need millions of laws, statues, rules, ordinances and
codes that we currently have to navigate daily? What law have you broken today?
There only can be redress to our many forms of local, county, state or federal
governments at great expense as those with the greatest expenditures in our judicial
system win. “Equal justice under law” sounds uncontroversial. The result can be to
sharply challenge the existing hierarchies of wealth, power, and status. Why is it
that a person is unable to have standing in a court of law? Judges and attorneys
have immunity in a court setting, a person doesn’t, we are presumed ignorant andwill not be given redress without having an attorney, only money talks in counsel
and court.
So how do we right the wrongs that have continued for these many years? Is there
an organization that we can donate to or a group of other like-minded individuals
that we can become involved in as patriots, a Thomas Paine, Paul Revere or
George Mason? What can we really do to make our country be that republic it was
created by our founding fathers. Let we the people (us) get involved in the process
to change what is amiss, voting should not be our only duty. Busy and good
times in American society makes for people distracted in the important need of
good government. We are asleep at the wheel and have fallen into the ditch. It is
the time to stand together. The power struggle will continue until we are involved
for our freedom and is that not what our government was created for? Our God is
who we serve. Our bill of rights, the highest law of the land within our constitution
is what we can stand on and we can stand with one another. We can be the
difference. America’s greatness is within each one of us.
“In the questions of power, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind
him down from mischief by the chains of the constitution” – Thomas Jefferson
Bruce Miller
Community of Safety
Gila county committee of safey.org
We meet on the 1st and third Sundays of each month at 1500
At the Overcomers Fellowship
1000 N. Easy Street
Payson Arizona
Daddy Government Control Freaks
Think about it.
Common sense? Not so common! The underlying problem is whether we conservatives can continue to acquiesce quietly in a rendition of the causes of the decline of our Republic.
Let us believe in the Constitution, believe in God, believe in freedom.
Theories of extremists from either the far-right or the far-left parties are an attempt to cause chaos and confusion and to influence belief in their agenda.
The restricting of our civil liberties, domestic surveillance, smart meters, and limiting food independence, property rights, and our rights as citizens of this great nation has now become our reality.
Our current governments’ method of advancing this socialistic control is an attempt to steer us toward some micromanaged, focused eco-Marxist utopia and to take control of all land use, leaving any decision out of the hands of private property owners. Climatic control, the Green eco agenda assumes that people are not good stewards and the US Government can do a better job.
In the United States Constitution, it says that when we are not happy with our government, we have the right to replace it. This is the time to replace our elected officials in the current election cycle that they do our bidding not their party’s platform agenda so that we can get out of the ditch that we have fallen into. Every elected official within our government can be replaced within three cycles. Let us vote for those that can bring about our conservative American unalienable rights that are endowed by our Creator among them Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness into reality.
The current woke socialism programs that are being implemented can not and will not work.
The continued excessive spending on overreaching socialist programs has caused trillions in national debts, not only causing continued inflation but with declarations of ongoing emergencies and war. Our national debt will only lead to higher taxation that will not be satisfied.
We have real problems that need to be solved to decentralize our government that our representatives will follow the constitutions for each entity as written, be that of Federal, State, County, or local charters in the performance of their duties only assigned them.
Excess government is the problem.
Our government on all levels has become a bloated government of the people, by the bureaucrats, for the bureaucrats. A democracy mob with concentrated benefits with broker fees we must pay.
Stand and be counted.
Bruce Miller
Community of Safety
We meet on the Ist and third Sundays of each month at 1500
At the Overcomers Fellowship
1000 N. Easy Street
Payson Arizona
As a group of deeply concerned citizens of Payson, AZ, we want to express our dissatisfaction and concerns about a vital democratic process that was bypassed in our town. Recently, a $70 million bond was approved by the town council without giving us, the voters, our rightful say in the matter. This action was perpetrated under an ambiguous “emergency clause”, without clear specification of the “emergency” in question.
Passing such significant financial commitments without open consultation with the constituents is a violation of the democratic underpinning that fosters trust and engagement between citizens and their government. Transparency is the cornerstone of effective governance. Therefore, we believe that major financial decisions, such as issuing bonds, should involve a public vote.
We understand and respect the need for bonds to finance many crucial public services. However, several studies indicate that when financial decisions are made without public input, they tend to be less efficient and can lead to increased mistrust between the public and government officials (Source: Journal of Public Economics).
Our campaign is not against bonds per se, but rather the lack of an open democratic process when making significant financial decisions. We wish to reestablish the need for a mandatory call for a referendum to approve bond issues within Payson, ensuring all decisions taken are representative of the will of the people of our beloved town.
Join us, by signing our petition, to require a voter referendum before any bond can be issued in Payson, Arizona. Let’s ensure that the voice of the people is always heard in matters of local significance.
You Will Do What You Are Told
Our need to break and control Factions
Faction is many citizens of the same opinion united by a common impulse of passion, or of interest that are adverse of the rights over other citizens of the community, which is the mischiefs of a faction. Shall we destroy the liberty that our founding fathers gave us when they created this form of a republic government by the rule of law? There will always be factions among us, may they be of good character and virtuous in the guiding of our nation. Faction is necessary to political life. Factions can de destructive or impart life to our liberties through our nation. Our liberty can expire when abolished by controlling officials. We need to choose our representatives carefully that this nation will not tread on the rights of our fellow citizens.
Common good of civil society as determined is from the results of influence, sentiments and views and thus faction is sown into the nature of man. They bring different degrees of activity according to circumstances. Concerning government, attachment to different leaders contending for pre-eminence and power, have divided us into parties inflaming us with mutual animosities and unfriendly passions which can become violent.
The violence from the propensity that this dangerous vice causes instability, injustice, chaos and confusion into our public councils. A disease which governments everywhere in the world have perished. The adversaries of our liberty derive their power to control us by dividing us through this partiality of opinions, complaints of how government operates, and of our private personal faith and public liberty in which our beliefs influence all lives in this nation. This has caused overbearing disregard of the public good from the distrust in our elected officials or from the conflicts of rival parties that only the majority can have all known facts in any bill which will be voted upon and signed into law by our elected President. This contentiousness behavior from our elected representees and will lead to our misfortune from injustice from their factious spirit that taints our public administration.
Government is created to control our vices and was not to control our liberties as a natural man or woman, Will one more bill, law, statue or code make a difference to our society? The causes of faction cannot be removed, relief is only sought to remove the means of controlling its effects. The majority faction enables the defeat of other views by vote. The majorly faction can defeat the interest of the public good and the rights of other citizens. We can control these factions through our elected representatives whose wisdom may best discern the true interest of our country and whose patriotism with the love of justice will be least likely to be sacrificed.
The choice is ours that we elect honorable men and women with integrity and good character. It is our duty to be active to have the government we deserve.
Bruce Miller
Committee of Safety
We meet on the 1st and third Sundays of each month at 1500
At the Overcomers Fellowship
1000 N. Easy Street
Payson Arizona
Here We Go Again
They take the dollars we get the change. Maybe we should confess that a little intellectual elite in a far distant capitol can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves. No government has ever voluntarily reduced itself in size, Patrick Henry said,” Is life being so dear and peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery”? This is true today as at the beginning of our republic. We are now weakened from within spiritually, morally, and economically as our political leaders have straddled us with insurmountable debt that they are no longer willing to deal with. Is there someplace we could escape to. If we lose freedom here, there’s no place to escape
This nation is based on a dream, that the ultimate in individual freedom is consistent with law and order. Those who would trade our freedom for security have embarked on a downward course and say we must accept greater government activity in our affairs, they will provide programs to meet the material needs of the masses (us) through the full power of centralized government. This was the very thing the Founding Fathers sought to minimize. They knew that governments don’t control things. A government can’t control the economy without controlling people. And they knew when a government sets out to do that, it must use force and coercion to achieve its purpose. They also knew, that outside of its legitimate functions, government does nothing as well or as economically as the private sector of the economy.
But how, who are we to know what’s best for ourselves? The assault on our freedom carries on. Our government says no cause for worry because as long as they have the power to tax, they can always take away from us whatever they need to bail some of the people out of trouble. And they’re doing just that. forcing all men and women, regardless of need, into compulsory government taxation. Right to vote taken away by emergency clauses, told to shut up and set down, no referendum that can overturn our bureaucrats’ decisions. These proliferating bureaus with their thousands of regulations have cost us many of our constitutional safeguards. How many of us realize that today federal agents can invade a man’s property without a warrant? They can impose a fine without a formal hearing, let alone a trial by jury? And they can seize and sell property at auction to enforce the payment of that fine.
Socialism ideals with our present controllers, flaunt their banners of Marx, Lenin, and “Stalin. Show me the man or woman and I will show you the crime.”
Our government holds the power of life and death over our businesses, our property and this machinery exists today. The government can always find some charge to bring against any person or concern it chooses to prosecute. Somewhere a perversion has taken place. Our natural, unalienable rights are now considered to be a dispensation of government, and our freedom is so fragile, so close to slipping from our grasp.
“A Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored, Liberty, once lost, is lost forever.” John Adams
You and I have a rendezvous with destiny.
Vote informed and as your freedom depends on it, it does
Bruce Miller
Community of Safety
We meet on the 1st and third Sundays of each month at 1500
At the Overcomers Fellowship
1000 N. Easy Street
Payson Arizona
It is about control. Think about it as a multi-layered cake. A mob (democracy) selling protection to us. How many a multi-layered departments with Faceless community members waiting in lines for a pat on the head because we have obeyed current regulations and paid for the privilege? How many Laws or rules are needed to regulate our behavior in s for the pre many government institutions? How much is enough, what percentage of our population can we afford to pay for the multi-faceted programs that need to be funded? Costs are added to the bill we must pay like any other commercial venture. The question we should be asking is do we need this much service? Can we live with fewer services?
Interestingly the current government goals on the environment such as carbon offset and carbon credits from the many activities, we accomplish during the day are sold on the carbon market. FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency).
The FEMA Administrator and Deputy Administrator report to the Director of Homeland Security and they have no one at the top that has been elected. That much power over us! Then there are environmental and social effectiveness of local projects, such as tree planting and weatherization programs as we continual to go green with the regulator’s belief in the effects of climate change declaring an emergency. Who can declare, what, why, how, and where these emergencies must be dealt with either federal or local. The EPA continuously ratchets up controlling regulations year after year that all need to abide by.
How much Government is enough? What are our agreements with the UN International Council for local environment and equality? What is the UN 21-30 agreement signed by our presidents? Have we lost our sovereignty? Why do we not have a militia of our citizens as stated in the US Constitution? Where is the common law Grand Jury? Why are all of us Incorporated (Commercialized), are we, not natural men and women? So many questions as to where we are in our current times.
Let us explore the ways to a better future for us and our progeny, that our government remembers that we are a republic Government of the people, by the people, and for the people.
Stand and Be Counted. We need to be active to have the government we want as a citizen. Vote
Bruce Miller
Community of Safety
We meet on the 1st and third Sundays of much month at 1500
At the Overcomers Fellowship
1000 N. Easy Street
Payson Arizona
The Poison of Subjectivism
C.S. Lewis wrote, “The very idea of freedom presupposes some objective moral law which overarches rulers and rules alike. Subjectivism about values is eternally incompatible with democracy. We and our rulers are of one kind only so long as we are subject to one law. But if there is no Law of Nature, the ethos of any society is the creation of its rulers, educators” – and a wonderful word he uses — “conditioners. Ronald Reagan said, “Unless we return to the crude and nursery-like belief in objective values, we perish.
That inspires in me a sense of gratitude that I will do for my God whatever He calls me to do. And what he calls us to do is to live for him in biblical fidelity Scriptures, and to be men and women of character who exalt virtue and go into a society which has disdained character, which is laughing at honor, which is mocking virtue, and saying, “No, we believe in truth, and we’re going to live our lives that way no matter what the cost.”
We no longer talk about what is right. There are many decisions made that are not right or just, but we do not talk about that, we talk about the way things are, so that our beliefs will not be challenged. We know that corruption exists. Our rulers are not kings, they are not superior to us, we are all Americans standing on our God given unalienable rights, sovereign, knowing that they are our agents, employees. We already escaped the tyranny of a king. Shall we continue status quo (It has always been done this way) with our current task masters while we are being duped by our servants in power that enslave us (rule and regulate us) by the many bureaus, departments, and codes of those that are not elected.
Our regulators have taken the moral component out of our culture. President Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt said “To educate a man in the mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society, “Aldous Huxley’s in his book “Brave New world said” A society of Americans which exalts virtue has 270 million policemen”, currently we are 342 million. “A society that mocks what is moral or virtuous, will not be able to hire enough policemen.” Crime and mayhem are now our reality. Stand and be counted, let us be active in our government that those the act for our benefit does what is right, they have moral character and virtues, he act fore do not perish on the ash pits of the history of nations now long gone.
Bruce Millar
Committee of Safety – Gila County
We meet on the first and third Sunday of each month at 1500
At the Overcomers Fellowship
1000 N. Eazy Street
Payson Arizona
Unfriendly To Liberty -9/8/2024
A Message From Gila County Chairman – Bruce Miller
Unfriendly to Liberty
There are businesses with individuals that are well off, that believe that business should be morally and ethically right, some that compromise values and some that use illegal alien labor. There are many ways to run a business in America be that corporate or a mom-and-Pop Shop.
The selling of influence in politics goes on to get elected or re-elected which can cause advantages if a business is favorable through legislation, can be subsidized or have government contracts, it is about the bottom line. Maybe America alone is not profitable enough. Business can always organize globally with the head office in another nation to lower taxation here, they just will not be reinvesting back into America from keeping profits offshore and only paying taxes on the profits made in America. Figures never lie and figures can be manipulated or massaged, given the right accountants and tax attorneys that know the latest changing tax code and its interpretation. It is their story and they are sticking to it.
We are a nation, from the beginning, of emigrats. Legal immigration by those with strong character and ethics that will become an American we welcome; but illegal alien migration from those who pass our border can lead to many unwanted effects by the transportation of unchecked disease, plants, animals, bugs or drugs. The deprivation of man from being illegal in our country causes problems of exploitation with poverty and crime and all of us need to guard ourselves against criminal behavior.
The taxes we all pay is never enough, we need to check our governments excessive spending, keeping watch and having awareness to reduce our National, State, County and Local Debt. Influencing our elected to reduce their propensity to spend more on an ever-expanding bureaucracy, now with over half of our population working for our government. We should be asking ourselves do we need this much government? More government is less efficient because of redundancy and less is more as they continual to spend, not thinking about or are not concerned about our liberty and the inflated cost to us.
Government regulates through legislation by the many Laws, Statues, Rules and Codes through the many bureaus, departments and agencies created for control. Maybe our government will be friendly to certain businesses giving them tax cuts, others they will place foreign tariffs on to level the playing field of available products that we will buy at higher costs, all in the hope to cause trickledown economics that can be a boom to our economy. We know that if we can get our legislators to reduce the cost of our government services, they may want to reduce services from the backs of the most vulnerable in society. We need to get involved in the reducing and balancing of our government that they do what is right for all people in American society.
The only thing we really know is our government is against liberty. Let us study and research those that seek office so that we have the best for the positions we vote on and our elected officials will have character with ethical behavior. The choice is ours. “Let us dare to read, think, speak, and write. There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with power to endanger the public liberty”. Samual Adams
Vote informed, your Liberty depends on it
Bruce Miller
Community of Safety
We meet on the 1st and third Sundays of each month at 1500
At the Overcomers Fellowship
1000 N. Easy Street
Payson Arizona
Overreaching: July/11/2024
Message From Gila County COS – Chairman
It is about control. Think about it as a multi-layered cake. A mob (democracy) selling protection to us. How many Bureaus and departments with Faceless community members waiting in lines for a pat on the head because we have obeyed current regulations and paid for the privilege?
How many Laws or rules are needed to regulate our behavior in society by the many government institutions? How much is enough, what percentage of our population can we afford to pay for the multi-faceted programs that need to be funded? Costs are added to the bill we must pay like any other commercial venture.
The question we should be asking is do we need this much service.
Can we live with fewer services?
Interestingly, the current government goals on the environment such as carbon offset and carbon credits from the many activities, we accomplish during the day are sold on the carbon market. environmental and social effectiveness of local projects, such as tree planting and weatherization programs. Going green to go along with the regulator’s belief in the effects of climate change declaring an emergency in who can declare, what, why, how, and where these emergencies must be dealt with. The EPA continuously ratchets up controlling regulations year after year, FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency). The FEMA Administrator and Deputy Administrator report to the Director of Homeland Security and they have no one at the top that has been elected. That much power over us!
How much Government is enough? What are our agreements with the UN International Council for local environment and equality? What is the UN 21-30 agreement signed by our presidents? Have we lost our sovereignty? Why do we not have a militia of our citizens as stated in the US Constitution? Where is the common law Grand Jury? Why are all of us Incorporated (Commercialized), are we, not natural men and women? So many questions as to where we are in our current times.
Let us explore the ways to a better future for us and our progeny, that our government remembers that we are a republic Government of the people, by the people, and for the people.
Stand and Be Counted
Bruce Miller
Community of Safety
We meet on the 1st and third Sundays of each month at 1500
At the Overcomers Fellowship
1000 N. Easy Street
Payson Arizona